
peak time commitment: 5-12 hours a week

Key Responsibilities Include:

  • Oversee the management of all club activities.

  • Establish an effective Business plan by delegating out roles with full time job descriptions to committee members and Team Leaders.

  • Preside over monthly meetings.

  • Have a good understanding of the club constitution, rules and procedures and duties of all office-holders.

  • Manage the club Annual General Meeting, ensuring reports, awards and procedures are completed in the correct manner.

  • Ensure a realistic budget and strategic plan are drawn up, implemented and followed through by the committee, the club’s volunteers and paid employees.

  • Support and help all coordinators.

  • Monitor paid employees on a regular basis, ensuring that they have up-to-date job descriptions and employment contracts, and are given annual salary and performance reviews.

  • Be innovative in re-energising the club.

  • Work with sponsor corporations that support your club.

  • Promote the many advantages of the club.

  • Keep in contact with the organisation’s finance through the treasurer.

  • Ensure decisions made by the committee are carried out.

  • Implement the club’s volunteer reward and recognition programme.

  • Liaise with all members on a regular basis, in conjunction with the club captain.

  • Offer applicable training courses to all volunteers and paid employees of the club.

  • Ensure that all members are aware of the club’s goals and objectives

Responsibilities during Meetings:

  • Prepare an agenda in consultation with the secretary.
  • Conduct the meeting in a manner that enables everyone to have his or her say.
  • Conduct the meeting in a way that ensures business is dealt with efficiently.
  • Steer the meeting through the agenda.
  • Summarise what has been said.
  • Move to vote if necessary.

To succeed in this role:

  • Confident and good at communicating
  • Tactful and discreet
  • Well-versed in the running of the club
  • Analytical and good at solving problems
  • Familiar with good business practices and procedures
  • Something of a bon viveur – charismatic and committed