Article VII - Discipline

  1. Any member(s) of the club accused of not following the policies, procedures and/ or rules of the club, the British Columbia Rugby Union, the sub-union in which the club is playing will be notified of such accusations and are then subject to the following discipline proceedings:
    1. The club executive will call a meeting within seven (7) business days of the written receipt of the complaint. All parties involved will be notified and asked to attend,
    2. The executive will meet with the individual(s) involved to review the situation and present all evidence to the accused member, and allow the accused to present their evidence and respond to the allegation(s). The accused member will be given the opportunity to be heard and to examine the evidence against him/her,
    3. Following the meeting, the executive will decide if the accused member violates the aforementioned policies and what action if any should be taken against them.
  2. If the accused member(s) are found to violate the policies, procedures and/ or rules of the club, the British Columbia Rugby Union, or the sub-union in which the club is playing: An outline of the executive’s findings, the sanctions against the individual and recommendations to avoid future occurrences will be presented to the accused within (7) business days of the hearing