Article V - Miscellaneous

  1. The club shall not be used for political purposes.
  2. Any member in good standing may inspect the books and records of the club at any time by arrangement with the appropriate executive member.
  3. Members and candidates for membership shall adhere to the club constitution and by-laws and rules issued by the executive.
  4. The colours of the Burnaby Mountain Rugby club shall be blue, red, and white.
  5. A member or members responsible for damage or loss to any club or university property may be liable to make good such damage at the discretion of the executive.
  6. All complaints made by members must be in writing and signed and submitted to the club secretary. Complaints must be dealt with by the executive at their next meeting.
  7. Any member in good standing can address the executive at their meeting.
  8. No alteration or amendment to the constitution or by-laws shall be made unless all club members have been notified. The voting of the said alteration shall be carried out at either an A.G.M. Or an extraordinary meeting. The alterations must pass with at least seventy five percent (75%) of members present, again following the rules of a quorum (Article II-Meetings 1&2.)